The kick-back against the demise of several millennia of White Male Supremacist Hegemony is bound to be lengthy and intense.

Arkhamhaus, Scythian Scouts, Pencil Sketch, 2005

I’m Just trying to inject a note of perspective in the wake of the Rittenhouse acquittal and the Gosar AOC snuff video, etc., etc., ad nauseum. This kickback doesn’t mean it (the demise of 5,000 years of White Male Supremacist Hegemony) isn’t happening. It means that it IS.

The Caucasian Male Problem — it’s certainly not the ONLY race or gender-based cluster-fuck, but as far as the current world is concerned, the one that became the global economic and ideological standard, most certainly is the leading bane of peace and security for anyone who isn’t White and male. The oft- critiqued White Male Power Structure hegemony. Eurocentric cultures, and current Eurocentric post-Colonial economic and cultural hegemonies, have dominated. As far as THE patriarchy, the one most often referred to, it is the Judeo-Christian one (which includes Islam) that is most culpable for the condition we and our world now find ourselves in: 

“You will advance, coming on like a storm, you will be like a cloud covering the land, you and all your hordes, and many peoples with you…all of them riding on horses, a great host, a mighty army…” — Ezekiel

I’m talking about the racial identification of the patriarchal group that came to dominate the Earth. If I was talking solely about patriarchy (as a male-dominant ideology and socio-religio-economic system), I could as well say ‘The kick-back against the demise of 2,400 years of Judeo-Christianity is bound to be lengthy and intense.” That would be equally valid a surmise, but less impressive in terms of the scale of the problem and the duration of the dominant ideology.

I’m not merely talking about a religious male-supremacist ideology, as per ‘patriarchy’ here, but of a racial identity politics male-supremacist hegemony, that is dying, and therefore kicking back–the ideological long game. Racial identification — White Supremacy — is obviously a factor in the White boy’s killings with impunity at a Black Lives Matter protest, and a vicious Republican congressman’s snuff video aimed at a Latina congresswoman…Which isn’t to say that the Patriarchy isn’t also eating itself — worldwide — while in the States this self-cannibalism looks more and more like QAnon conspiracies taking over the indoctrination, fear and dogma-impaired minds of those who lead and subscribe to Evangelicism.

The Indo-European invaders didn’t cotton-on to patriarchy as an oppressive system advantaging the males of the group until relatively later on. Steppe tribal women were high status until relatively late, long after the Greeks had adopted patriarchy as its supremacy model. But, of course, the Steppe women, even if they were, themselves horse warriors, as was often the case, didn’t make up the bands ranging far and wide spreading DNA via slave-taking and rapine. (They kept their martial forays closer to home, vying against invading armies of Macedonians, Mycenaeans, Spartans and Greeks, in all-woman bands of defenders — the source of the ‘Amazon’ narratives.)

The Steppe warrior genome (Whiteness’) came out of the Caucasus and spread west as far as Greenland and the east coast of Canada (ultimately) and east as far as Korea and Japan recognized nowadays under the linguistic term of ‘Indo-Europeans’ and the ethnic term of ‘Scythians.’ and the feminist historical term of ‘Kurgans’ — the horse tribes — racially so-called ‘Caucasian.’ R1a and R1b are the most common haplogroups in many European populations today. They spread into Europe from Caucasian steppe warrior tribe invasions, migrations and raids, beginning after around 3,000 BCE and continuing into the Middle Ages. This is the particular male power structure that ideologically and economically conquered the world, what is know as ideological and economic/cultural imperialism, and which we inevitably deal with in Post-Colonialism.

Rittenhouse is an inheritor of the ‘Whiteness’ (specifically White Male) bundt, as is Gosar, and of course — that’s a definite thing. A very long-lived thing — a thing long, long before it was exported to the U.S., which is only a baby nation, but with an ancient dominant ideology about itself (though not nearly as ancient as the world view of immanence and egalitarianism that predated it, surrounds it, and will succeed it).

The White Male Supremacist Hegemony has hung around a puny 5,000 years or so, as opposed to the 50,000 or so millennia of egalitarian consciousness of immanence and collectivism in human societies that preceded it — but still, in its puniness, it is a thing that will kick-back commensurate with its habituated sense of privilege and entitlement, not to mention its sense of (war) god-granted dominion.

Published by Yvonne Owens, PhD

Yvonne Owens is a past Research Fellow at the University College of London, and Professor of Art History and Critical Studies at the Victoria College of Art, Victoria, BC. She was awarded a Marie Curie Ph.D. Fellowship in 2005 for her interdisciplinary dissertation on Renaissance portrayals of women in art and sixteenth-century Witch Hunt discourses. She holds an Honours B.A. with Distinctions in History of Art from the University of Victoria, British Columbia, an M.A. in Medieval Studies with Distinction from The Centre For Medieval Studies at the University of York, U.K., and an M.Phil. and Ph.D. in History of Art from University College of London. Her publications to date have mainly focused on representations of women and the gendering of evil "defect" in classical humanist discourses, cross-referencing these figures to historical art, natural philosophy, medicine, theology, science and literature. Her essay, “The Saturnine History of Jews and Witches,” appeared in Preternature (Vol. 3, No. 1) in 2014, her book chapter, "Pollution and Desire in Hans Baldung Grien: The Abject, Erotic Spell of the Witch and Dragon" appeared in Angeliki Pollali and Berthold Hub, Eds., Images of Sex and Desire in Renaissance Art and Modern Historiography, her essay "The Hags, Harridans, Viragos and Crones of Hans Baldung Grien" was published as part of the Hans Baldung Grien: New perspectives on his work, International Conference Proceedings (October 18-20, 2018), Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe in 2019, and her book, Abject Eroticism in Northern Renaissance Art: the Witches and Femme Fatales of Hans Baldung Grien, Bloomsbury London, in 2020. She also writes art and cultural criticism, exploring contemporary post-humanist discourses in art, literature and new media. She is Editor for an anthology of essays titled Trans-Disciplinary Migrations: Science, the Sacred, and the Arts, forthcoming from Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

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